A night event entirely dedicated to Emanuel Gat, well-known Israeli choreographer living in France.
WORKS (35′)
choreography and light design Emanuel Gat
music Emanuel Gat, MnM; Emanuel Gat, SARA; J.S Bach, The well tempered clavier, book 2 Prelude #4 in C Sharp minor BWV 873, Piano: Glenn Gould; Chick-P, Business Bach; Irving Berlin, They Say It’s Wonderful, The Chordettes
lights Guillaume Février
sound Frédéric Duru
created and performed by Thomas Bradley, Michael Loehr, Genevieve Osborne, Karolina Szymura, Milena Twiehaus, Sara Wilhelmsson
production Emanuel Gat Dance
coproduction Festival Montpellier Danse, Scène Nationale d’Albi, Maison de la Danse de Lyon, Festival Vaison Danses
with the support of Conseil Départemental des Bouches du Rhône and Région Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur
Emanuel Gat Dance acknowledges the support of the city of Istres, of the French Ministry of Culture and the DRAC Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur.
created at Agora – cité internationale de la danse and Maison de la danse d’Istres
WORKS (2017 short version) is a dance piece celebrating dancers. Their uniqueness, virtuosity, engagement, fearlessness, sense of responsibility and humanity. A group of 6 dancers, all long time collaborators of Emanuel Gat Dance, sharing years of a joint artistic collaboration as well as an intimate knowledge of Gat’s creative process, fill the stage in a succession of choreographic fragments evolving through various constellations, formats, musical environments and choreographic procedures.
to follow
SACRE (33′)
music I. Stravinsky, La sagra della primavera
choreography, light design and costumes Emanuel Gat
with Thomas Bradley, Michael Loehr, Genevieve Osborne, Karolina Szymura, Milena Twiehaus
production Emanuel Gat Dance
coproduction The Suzanne Dellal Centre (Israele), Festival Uzès Danse, Monaco Dance Forum
with the support of Dellal Foundation, Theatre de l’Olivier – Istres, Ballet Monte-Carlo, Foundation of Philippe de Rothschild
in collaboration with European Dance Alliance – Valentina Marini Management
created during the residency Montpellier Danse, Agora – Cité Internationale pour la Danse and at Maison de la Danse d’Istres
SACRE is a revised version of the piece originally created by Emanuel Gat to Stravinsky’s eponymous score back in 2004. A work for three women and two men, SACRE takes apart the mechanics of Cuban salsa dancing, and reassembles them to create a complex and dramaturgically charged choreographic score. A free spirited and challenging reading of Stravinsky’s masterpiece, SACRE offers no notions of sacrifice, but rather a multitude of options for action.